Bucks Fungus Group
BFG Logo

Fungi Walks and Meetings

Unless otherwise stated, walks start at 10.00 am, and finish around 1.00 pm.

Our walks are for members only , but if you'd like to come on a particular walk but are not yet a member, joining is very cheap and very easy: just click here. All are most welcome - especially families - and no previous experience is needed.

If weather conditions are bad (very windy, frosty or snowy) it would be wise to check with the leader before setting out.

Disclaimer - The Grid Reference given for each event is as accurate as we can make it and may not be at the exact location of the meeting place but should get you within a few hundred yards. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the Grid Reference and link to OpenStreetMap is correct BFG excepts no liability should you get lost. We now include the What3Words reference for the turn off spot from the road as an extra guide to each location. Clicking on the W3W link will open the app. Clicking on 'Navigate' will allow you to select your preferred navigation software (e.g. Google Maps).

For guidelines and useful information about our fungi walks click here

NB: If any members find they are not regularly receiving Penny's information circulars before an event (these are sent out the day before booking opens for each event) or have maybe changed their email address, please get in touch with her.

Print Programme (Only valid at time of printing. Always check website for latest information)

NB: BOOKING FOR EACH EVENT REMAINS IN PLACE FOR 2024 with a maximum of 18 places available for each event, on a first come / first served basis.
INSTRUCTIONS: Under the date for each event please note when booking opens and click on the blue box provided there to book your place, stating your full name(s). Please respect this requirement and do not turn up unless your booking has been acknowledged.


Date 2024 Event
Sunday, March 24th Rushbeds Wood (BBOWT/SSSI).
Report and List
FRIDAY, July 5th NB 11.00am BFG AGM to be held at College Lake Nature Reserve, BBOWT (HP23 5QG / SP935139 / W3W: broadens.ends.pebbles). We return to this venue which is centrally located for our committee members who are spread across the county and into both Herts and Oxfordshire. The meeting will as usual be an informal low key affair, finishing by 1.00pm. If you'd like to come or have any suggestions to make / points that you'd like discussed, please let me know a.s.a.p. and by Friday June 28th at the very latest. . Start 11am
SUNDAY, August 11th Microscopic Workshop at Burnhan Beeches offices.

OTHER LOCAL EVENTS OF INTEREST to which members are welcome though booking will still apply.:

Date 2024 Event

BMS = British Mycological Society (contact Carol Hobart geastrum@tiscali.co.uk).

HBFG = Herts & Beds Fungi Group (contact Stephen Kelly stephen.kelly@talktalk.net ).