Bucks Fungus Group
BFG Logo

Home Page

We are an independent voluntary group of enthusiasts for mushrooms, toadstools and other fungi. Join us for informal, family-friendly walks in Buckinghamshire woodland and countryside to find, discover about and record fungi. We are not a group of foragers, however, and focus on learning how to identify fungi and recognise the commoner species in the field. Both edible and poisonous species are covered but collecting to eat is not one of our main aims.

Recognizing and recording the fungi, as part of a network of recording groups, helps us support the conservation of these vital organisms and is great fun! Newcomers are encouraged to learn to identify fungi with help from more experienced members. Please explore our web site to learn more.

If you would like to join us, please go to our membership section and return the application form with your subscription.

NEW FOR AUTUMN 2024: FOUNDATIONS IN FIELD MYCOLOGY, is an innovative set of instructive and user - friendly documents by Penny Cullington and Sarah-Jayne Ebdon designed to provide help and information for all those wishing to learn more, whatever their level of knowledge. Available by clicking here or from the menu.

March 2025 update: There are 3 springtime walks now on the programme - click here for details. Our Autumn programme will be available in July / August after our AGM when members' subscriptions become due.

Our popular Members' Finds page is planned to continue into 2025. All members are encouraged to participate either by sending in images of their latest finds or by enjoying and benefiting from the contributions of others. Please click here to find out more.